I am happy to take the bag off you, and pay for it. Did you know that mash is better for the chickens as the grain has not been heat treated to form the pellets? Heat treatment affects the enzyme content and perhaps also the nutrients.
Brian Adam > Margreet de VriesJune 23, 2012 at 1:26am
Hi Margreet.
No I didn't know that about pellets. I've occasionally tried mash - no wait, it was the 'mash at the bottom of the pellets bag - and found dealing with mash hard to get the water consistency right. You mix it up, correct? If too watery or too dry they didn't seem interested in it. Brian
Hi Brian
I am happy to take the bag off you, and pay for it. Did you know that mash is better for the chickens as the grain has not been heat treated to form the pellets? Heat treatment affects the enzyme content and perhaps also the nutrients.
Hi Margreet.
No I didn't know that about pellets. I've occasionally tried mash - no wait, it was the 'mash at the bottom of the pellets bag - and found dealing with mash hard to get the water consistency right. You mix it up, correct? If too watery or too dry they didn't seem interested in it.