Young Sussex/Orpington Rooster to give away.
Hello everyone, We're looking for a home for a healthy, lovely young rooster. He's just started crowing and needs to go! He is an Orpington/ Sussex mix. If anyone is keen to take him, please let me know. Nichola 09 550 4635
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Chickens gone to a new home already. Sorry Willa.
my number is 0276616618
yes please - me me!!! Would love those chicks!! Do you have a house for them also and how much are they a layin??
Three laying chickens to give away
. Pure breed silver-laced and gold-laced Wyandottes. Names: Silver, Gold and Bronze. Free to good home. We're on hols early March so we'd like to pass them on by the first week in March. They like what I call cheese sticks (see photo) strips of colby to boost their calcium and protein levels. I sometimes roll the cheese sticks in oyster grit, they're then called grit sticks.
Does any one have lengths of chicken wire they aren't using? I am looking to build a temporary run for my six chooks. I'm wanting to get them onto an area i want to garden & it's not suitable for chicken tractoring.
Does anyone know where I can get bales of spoiled or old hay? wanting it for mulching...
Hi - we wold not be interested in being part of your commynunity garden as we are already part of one in our street - Bishop Stream Neighbourhood Garden in Wirihana road. However, we are delighted to hear of another community garden in Titirangi and will support you in any way we can - Helen and Patrick Doherty
Do consider issues of possums .seems like a great idea .In Minnehaha . off Huia rd in woodlands parkI have a shared communal /community garden already set up with raised beds & many fruit trees.but this has a limited capacity of takers ,this has been active with members for 4 years. Produce is exchanged for labour and members make collective decisions re crops etc.I would be happy tp assist in a consultative capacity if needed. Istillhave some space for new members. If you would need i would be happy to provide nursery space for seedling & to assist in watering etc.
This is soooooo exciting! It is South Titirangi Road - walkable to the village! It is a whole side of a valley - great spot. Granted people, our first job is to get rid of the weeds - this will be a BIG task!!!! But will be worth it methinks!!
email me on with your email address if you are still keen as mustard lettece!!!
love willa
I'm interested..location permitting :)