Canna Lilies
Hi I have bucket loads of Canna Lilies if anyone wants any. Mixed, many colours,. They may not be food and I still have lots to give away..... Ruth
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Hi I have bucket loads of Canna Lilies if anyone wants any. Mixed, many colours,. They may not be food and I still have lots to give away..... Ruth
Read more…Hi everyone Here's an idea. We have not been able to get a permanent stall at the Kerikeri Farmers market for Transition Towns...... That's probably because it is a farmers market not a growers market. Listen to the distinction in the talk on the you tube below. It's based on the Whangarei experience. So here's the idea. How about we have an OOOOby stall at the famers market. At this stall we sell produce on behalf of others. For example some…
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we have spray free lettuce brassica spring onions and new potatoes for sale. Buy direct from our stall at 320 waipapa rd or text/phone 0210591989 to arrang delivery for larger purchase.
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I'd love some. Will you be at the film on Friday? Could you bring them then.
(1) Plantago Star of the Earth (Plantago coronopus - Erba Stella or Minutina) winter salad green
(2) Gotu Kola ( ) 1 leaf a day in salad is reputed in India to make you imortal.
thanks for the invite its good to be a part of the local vibe .