Hi Chaotic Anne Marie,
We are launching an Ooooby Stall in Inglewood this Thursday as part of the ReGeneration Tour.
For details see www.environaki.co.nz.
If you live nearby, would love to get some produce from you to sell !
Nga mihi, Kama
Hello Anne Marie. Thanks. The Pepino, Solanum muricatum, is a perennial shrub native to the temperate regions of South America . It produces a fruit that tastes a little like a cross between a watermelon and a cucumber. I like to use it in salads when I get a chance and/or just eat it by itself.
We are launching an Ooooby Stall in Inglewood this Thursday as part of the ReGeneration Tour.
For details see www.environaki.co.nz.
If you live nearby, would love to get some produce from you to sell !
Nga mihi, Kama