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Selling Local Grown Food, Bartering Local Food, Learning

Tell us about your garden and what you're growing

Avocado trees, Sugarcane, Red Pineapples, swan plants and cherry tomatoes.

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  • Hi, Jesse, how is the garden? Did you manage to keep everything moist? Did you know that there are people in very dry countries likenorthern Chile who grow their plants with stones around them? The stones and rocks help to keep the moisture in.
    My popcorn is starting to dry out now and if I pull the sheath down a bit I can see the little black seeds in side. I am growing a creeping vine called Achocha. It grows little tear shaped fruit with tiny soft prickles on. It tastes like cucumber.. In fact, some people cal it Bolivian cumber. If you would like I will send you some seed. It will grow over a fence or up a tree. Google it and you will find pictures. You can use it just like you would a capsicum, stir fry, on top of pizzas.
    If you look at my photos you will see Tony - in blue - with his school friends. They came to look for native potatoes.
    Love to hear from you.
  • Wow! I'd love to see those tomatoes!
  • Hello!
    Did you get the popping corn? I planted mine in toilet rolls because here there can still be frosts. I took some down to Tony's envirogroup at school and they put their's in toilet rolls, too.
    What else have you planted?
  • Hi, Jesse-Tyler! Have you written to any of your friends yet? I'm sure they'd like to answer questions. You may have heard that Uncle Eric had a heart attack two days after we got home but he's OK now. He went to hospital and got three stents put in so he's not all blocked up now. I will get around to sending you some seed. I just have to mow the lawns, they are so long and thick and my muscles aren't so good. I've been acting The Lady of Leisure for too long. I'll have to toughen up again!
    What have you planted?
  • Hi, Jesse,
    I am in a very large place called Naples. It is so hot I am melting -over 33 degrees. I am learning a lot about gardens in the places I have been.
    Hope all is OK with you.
  • Hi Jesse, I love your tomatoe, are you planing to grow more this year and have you put your stawberries in yet? Nice to neet you.
  • Hello Jesse! Happy to meet up with another gardener. I live in the United States so I am at high summer now. As I come into fall you will be having spring. How funny is that?
  • Hello there Jesse! Your strawberries look good! You can see mine in my photo in the tubs up on the deck. Unfortunately the chickens found them last year so we didn't get many....
  • Red pineapples are interesting. How are they going?
  • I would never be able to grow pinapples and sugarcane. Lucky you!
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