





September 22





Food Growing Skill Level


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Swapping Food, Community Gardens, Learning

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  • hi lucy
    not meaning to be rude, as linked threw to you.
    just finished chook run 6 m by 2m cost about $200 most of that was wire but didnt want stray chickens.wood is wood weather it comes from free palets or under the house. the more you spend on building the more the chooks owe you , doesn't mean it has to look bad , have posted pics if intrested.
  • Hi - I will up load a photo of my cage when I get the time - hopefully on the weekend - and I feed them mash and wheat, and food scraps. They love the odd bit of meat too. Roast meat bones etc.
  • Hi Lucy - I live in Beachlands with a 1014 sq metre section. The chooks are great and I love having them, although they can smell a bit on really hot still days. Not often enough to bother me or anybody else - (that I know of). I love the eggs and they are lovely pets. I enjoy feeding them early morning and I just love fresh eggs. A good cage is very important as there is nothing worse than chook poo on your doorstep, and they do chew up your garden if allowed near it. Mine old orpingtons use to wander down the road if I let them out for any more that 2 -3 hours. Not good when they scratch up the next doors prized veggie patch. Hope that helps. They are well worth it. Lee
  • Hi Lucy - do have a look at the welcome page if you havent already. The site is new and will grow and evolve quickly in response to your needs so let us know what you'd like to see....
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