Waiheke Island
Little Oneroa
Post / Zip Code
I can offer
Gardening & yard labour, Gardening advice, Permaculture design, Food from my garden
Food Growing Skill Level
Experience and Qualifications
Permaculture Design Certificate, Dairy, Lots of years in the garden
I am interested in...
Buying Local Food, Bartering Local Food, Community Gardens, Learning, Preserving, Helping Others, Gardening on others Land, Swapping Food
Tell us about your garden and what you're growing
Passionfruit, Pepinos, Egg laying machines
hi James :)
welcome to the tauranga ooooby group :) Catherine mentioned you and that is good to hear of your involvement with ooooby :)
must be pretty lovely living on waiheke island, thanks to you and Pete for founding ooooby, it's a neat concept and flows along nicely, lots of keen like minds :)
Hiya James, here is that good food forest site I mentioned on the Awhitu Peninsula
Hi James: thank you for the food forest effort on Waiheke. I am in Wellington now, and will be cycling back to Auckland by late April. I pledged $70 for the effort. May I have lunch with you instead, since I won't be in town when Andy is there? I am happy with a plate of nuts and fruit. It will be my only chance to meet you for at least another year or so. Thanks for considering it, James. Please agree to my request only if it brings you joy to do so. Sincerely, Diane
Its great so many interesting article,blogs and pics... I spent time on the World wide Permaculture network today but oooby is much easier to use... especially for loading pictures.
Well done!
Next time someone gives you the "its just a spike" stuff, suggest that almost anything that once would have been no problem now causes a spoike and have they noticed that the spikes are getting more frequent and closer together.
Point being that PO itself doesn't "cause" anything, its the environment in which all these specific events play out. A bit like menopause, it changes the metabolism and THAT means that small changes that were easily handled by a younger person become major events.
Nice one on TV1 this morning. Its damned hard to compress the story into anything comprehensible in the sound bites they offer without sounding like your hair is on fire. Well done walking the line.
Its astounding they even raised the possibility of PO in a public forum but its a good sign that some sense of reality is setting in I suppose. Damn the AA guy and his "we don't have to change the way we live, just drive more carefully, inflate tyres etc". Gad.
Keep it up.
I came across a comment by you somewhere recently about community sufficiency being the focus rather than self sufficiency. I'm wondering if your could spare some thoughts on this as a new forum post on the Self Sufficiency group to help get people talking?
I'm looking to join a food cooperative on Waiheke and contacted a woman with a surname name something like Prashanti, but lost her contact information. Do you have any idea who this might be or the contact information for food cooperatives on the island? Thank you, I appreciate it.