





March 4




Food Growing Skill Level


Experience and Qualifications

Permaculture Experience, Permaculture Design Certificate

I am interested in...

Swapping Food, Learning, Preserving, Helping Others

Tell us about your garden and what you're growing

stevia, lemon balm, vietnamese mint, comfrey

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  • I just learn that:

    If we use a #tag in "tweets" it's easier to find them, e.g. #nztt. Twitter shows them as a link.

    Then you can click on the link and go to a list of posts with that tag.

    So let's use a tag of #nztt in posts that we want to find because they are the happy news that someone out there is focusing on practical responses and is actively involved in building a more resilient future. It'll bring up TT activity all over New Zealand.
  • Yay Nicola! Lovely to see you here. It'll be fun to see Ooooby action evolving in wgtn. Now I have a long message for you:

    Here's a Twitter idea, please give me feedback, ideas, thoughts, feelings, questions...

    It's got to be simple, I don't have more time to give. So how's this...

    We get as many TT'ers as possible to open up a Twitter account. Go to www.twitter.com and click the big join button on lower right. This takes 5 minutes. Go on - do it now. . .

    Then whenever you are on your computer open Twitter in a browser. Each time you think, "Oh, I'm working on something that is building community resilience" or "Wow! This TT event is rocking!" - I'll tell ("tweet") the others. You type in up to 140 characters and click Update. That's it!

    I would LOVE to know when you are out there and involved in service to this nation in all sorts of interesting ways. It would be incredibly energising. Then we invite the rest of the country.

    We add a little strategy when sending transition tweets about TT meetings, online (skype) onground meetings and events, and all manner of resilience building initiatives in their locale...

    I simply suggest we add the letters "nztt" in the body of each "tweet" and then we immediately have a way of listening to the heartbeat of the resilience movement in this country.

    A search for nztt on a page like this will show up just NZ activity. I'd love to think we could cause an overload of the Twitter computers, what a great piece of publicity that would be!


    When it builds to the first 10,000 'followers' (Jamie Oliver has 27,000), we will know we have momentum, and people will have come because there is one place to go and watch it all unfold.

    Check out the twitter feed with the search transition towns, on the bottom of my page on this site. Then imagine dozens of people all over NZ adding little "tweets" about the events they are planning, going to, attending now, just leaving from. It could become a symphony of people's impressions and a deepening sense of connection and empowerment as people realise how many things are going on all over the country, and how many people are involved.

    The feed as you see it on the bottom of my page. could just as easily be displayed on the TT sites.
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