



Waiheke Island N.Z


January 20





Food Growing Skill Level


Experience and Qualifications


I am interested in...

Swapping Food, Helping Others, Seed Savers

Tell us about your garden and what you're growing

Medicinal herbs, orchard newly planted not bearing yet.

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  • Hi Shona!
    Thank you very much for the offer :) Whereabouts on the island are you? (I am of the carless variety of human so have to psyche myself up for a bikeride if its far!) And would you like some ginger beer?
  • That's ok Shona, Charlotta told me you were away :-) I've got two really large shrubs that just keep going & going so if you need any next year, just let me know!
  • Hi Shona, I have some lemon something or other - could be lemon verbena. It's got purple coloured flowers at the moment. If you think thats the stuff you're after let me know - I can drop some to the store for you.
  • hi Shona, I have motherwort, lemon verbena, chamomile though it is quite dry now. top in if interested. we could combine this the food coop FINAL. :-)
  • That is great Shona. Drop down to the store and lets work out an arrangement.
  • Hi Shona. Good to see you on here. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on what you can do here at the Ooooby Store. John mentioned you may be interested in putting on some workshops.
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