



Auckland, NZ


Blockhouse Bay

Food Growing Skill Level


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Tell us about your garden and what you're growing

Pomegranate from seed, Olives, Lemonade, Gooseberrys, apple cukes, Mandarin seedlings, Blackberrys, Guava, Orangeberrys, Rhubarb, Mint, Tarragon, Coffee, Tamarillo, Chili Peppers

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  • Hi Jeanne, glad you are enjoying the garden photos - everything is rocketing ahead after all that rain and now this heat! Probably perfect conditions for mildew, but I dont know what to do about that - do you?

    We have loads of self-seeded avocados popping up but I always pull them out for the reasons you describe - plus there is no room! This one was one of the few trees here when we arrived so I dont know if its grafted or not. Its not a commercial variety and is very thin skinned and tasty but only produces every second year. And yes, the fruit only ripens once picked unless very late in the season - got to share with the birds though - they dont care if the fruit are ripe or not!

    The orange passionfruit is a tropical variety and tastes quite difference - less juice and almost vanilla-y. I dont know that I like it as much as the common passionfruit or the star-flowered ones (sorry dont know their names) but it has gorgeous large heart shaped leaves, large flowers and great globes of orange fruit so it is very pretty and quite palatable. I am happy to save you some seeds.
  • my blog post about jaunt but you will have to scroll down a few entries to find it. i'm sure we'll do another sometime....
  • here is a picture of a couple of the pomegranates. I only have one tree/bush but it must have about 20-30 on it this year and survives with very little attention at all. It is in the shadow of a rather huge tree on the neighbouring property so it has a definite lean on it but seems to love our very free draining soil. I added a few other pictures as well of individual trees etc. The garden as a whole looks a bit dry and scrappy right now so I picked its better sides!
  • The food garden jaunt did happen indeed. About 25 people attended and it was a fantastic day. Type 'Garden Jaunt' into the search field at the top right hand corner of the page.
  • Hi again, I have just read your profile properly and see that you already have pomegranate seedlings. I am intrigued by your coffee growing though - how is that going?
  • Hi jeanne,

    My mum gave me a seedling about 8 years ago and it has been fruiting for about 4 years. This year it is producing the best yet! I will take a photo of it and post it here. They are a long way off being ripe yet but I am happy to save some seed for you when they are. Although they are divine fresh, I am also keen for some recipes if you have them! Denise
  • Welcome to Ooooby Jeanne. Nice page change. Have you had fun looking around the site? If you haven't had a look at the welcome page you can check it out here. It would be great to see a picci on your profile. Feel free to invite anyone who you think might enjoy food growing or eating locally. Have fun oooobying!!
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