Thousands of little white critters in farm

Hi guys,

I have thousands and thousands of very little white critters in my farm, they are all over the food, the paper and deep into the farm. Anyone know what they are and how to get rid of them? My worm population is not thriving, not doing badly either, but certainly not thriving.

I've tried to start the farm all over again with fresh bedding etc, and rinced the farm, but they were back in no time. They are all over the worms as well, but don't seem to harm them.



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  • this link may help 
  • hello Nienke, they sound like pot worms which aren't harmful and are sought after as tropical fish food :) I have them in my dog poop worm farm which is fed exclusively on dog poop and vacuum cleaner dust & dog hair! Our dog is fed eukanuba biscuits and occasional tidbits (well maybe once a day...) so acidity shouldn't be an issue and the pot worms still find their way in.  We have a wood burner so I add small quantities of ash from time to time if the farm gets too wet.
    • Hi Megan,

      Checked out that website, it looks like I have springtails though. Definately not potworms. Would you know if they are harmful in big numbers?

    • Sorry, can't help you there, haven't come across them (yet) in our worm farms.
  • What worms like
    Most fruit and vegetable scraps
    Coffee grounds and teabags
    Aged horse manure
    Dirty paper
    Crushed eggshells
    Vacuum cleaner dust
    What worms don't like
    Spicy food, chilli, onion, garlic
    Meat and milk products
    Flour products
    Large amounts of cooked food
    Garden waste
    Shiny paper
    Citrus and other very acidic food
  • Problem Cause Solution
    Rotting food Too much for population Feed less
    Fruit/vinegar flies around farm, or small white bugs and worms Too acidic Cover food with damp paper. Add lime to increase pH
    Worms climbing up sides or worms very fat and pale Too wet Add paper products and dry leaves, gently fork holes in the working layer
    Ants Too dry or acidic Add water/lime. If your worm farm is on legs, place each leg in a container of water to stop such pests from getting in
    Food rotting and not eaten Too much or wrong food/pieces too big Add less food, break into small pieces
    No worm tea Not enough water Add water
    • I'll try and put lime on there now eventhough I add crushed egg shells regularly?
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