Anyone in Christchurch happy to give away some tiger worms?
Hi all, I just rescued about 120g of tiger worms (~500 of these amazing fellows) from a neglected worm farm and set up a nice home for them. We still need about ~560g to reach the 680g target, as we sustainably produce 340g of kitchen waste daily. If you have "excess" worms or just want to give away some of them to contribute to a new farm, that would be fantastic. There are very affordable ones on TradeMe but I am not completely comfortable buying anything animal and living, unless there is no…
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Justin, kiwi skins shouldn't be a problem, although they're acidic it's not like they have essential oils like for citrus. Try a little first and see.
Can I feed the worms with kiwifruit skins?
Hope you have all seen this. Nice and simple, good to share for ppl who are curious bout worms...
thanks for the replies guys, will do :)
It's great if the balance of creatures gives you an insight into what's going on in your worm bin so you can keep the conditions worm-friendly. Don't worry too much about biodiversity in there in general, though - it's a good thing. They're all there to eat your leftovers and turn it into lovely compost.
I would advise against diluting the lime with water because your worm bin will get too wet and go smelly because of lack of oxygen. The worms won't like this and will show their disapproval by dying.
I wouldn't put neat lime directly on the worms. If you want to dilute it, mix it with a bit of worm-free compost (the worms' own will do) or untreated sawdust (or something similarly organic and neutral) and scatter it all over.
Yes sprinkle around a handful of garden lime on top. You will get all sorts of bugs in your worm farm, nothing to worry about. I normally put lime in every couple months or when it gets a bit smelly.
im getting some fruit flies and other visitors on my bin, for what I been reading looks like it might be too acidic, and they recommend to apply lime. But how? anybody has done this before? how do you apply lime, just sprinkle it on top or dilute it on water?
Hi Derek, I can offer you some. I'm in New Lynn. PM me.
Is there anyone in the auckland area that would be happy to barter some worms. Our worms have all been eated by a rodent - the rodent is sorted, now I need to re-populate.
I have eggs, jams, harbs and veges to swap if you're interested.
thanks so much
I don't know if people are alreday aware of this but the Auckland Council is running free composting courses and offering subsidised worm farms for those who attend. They are all over Auckland from now until December. Details can be found at