My husband also gets the shock "You Too" comments fairly often.......why people think it's not manly to be veggie I don't understand. We moved from UK (where being vegetarian is pretty common these days) to NZ about 2.5 years ago, and have recently relocated again from Auckland to a rural community. These days we spend quite some time explaining to people why our kids are veggie too. Whenever they get invited over for play dates and tea, I mention they are veggie and *most* people start to look worried....I'm sure they are wondering what on earth to feed them, so I feel obliged to start making some suggestions. All all our lovely new neighbours have invited us to BBQ's......even more tricky when we don't want our veggie food cooked next to meat. I think i'll start taking things with us that can be cooked in tin foil.
And as for definitions of who we are.....well I always consider us as vegetarian as although we eat free range eggs, honey and some dairy we don't kill animals to obtain least not in a direct sense. When I tell people I am vegetarian I always get asked "do you eat fish?"....surely then I'd be a piscatarian? Although in an ideal world it would be lovely to go fully vegan, many of the alternatives to leather shoes and wool products are not particularly environmentally friendly. I haven't yet seen a pair of hemp shoes that would be suitable for smart business wear, only manufactured plastic based ones.
Raw Vegan Pot Luck at Barb, Suzanne and Anne's place - 6 Grant St, Mt Albert, Auckland. 5pm Labour Day Monday October 26th...please come and enjoy. Bring a plate of lucsious raw vegan food, plate and eating utensils.....
Hi Kate and Robbie - thanks for the comments and definitions. I guess it's a continuum isn't it, and I'm not yet at the end where I don't wear leather etc. Have to agree with you Kate, a lot more explaining has been necessary since we moved from Christchurch to rural Northland about us not eating meat, and often my husband meets even more incredulity - "You TOO!"
I even had a local dining room manager argue with me when I complained after I found bacon in my salad - he said I should have said I was vegetarian. My argument was that it should have indicated on the menu that it contained meat, their responsibility not mine. I said too many people don't eat meat these days for hotels and restaurants not to be taking notice. He just looked shocked, and I wondered if we were the only people in the Hokianga who have said publicly that we don't eat meat :-)
What I don't do is judge what other people do, or tell others what they should or should not eat. This is my choice, not my religion and I don't preach about it, even though I have been verbally attacked (maybe too strong a word) for my views and choices.
Forgot to mention garlic when I wrote last night Robbie, I think there is no such thing as too much garlic, I grow it round my fruit trees and roses, as well as in many patches in the vege garden. Ours didn't do well last year and we are buying all we are eating this year, but we have about 200 bulbs growing nicely. Not enough yet for all the fruit trees, but this garden is only two years old, and there will be more next year. It's difficult isn't it when circumstances like your hedge mean a whole year of growing is affected to some degree or another. All the best with getting in some veges of your own this winter.
Hi Janet & Robbie,
Having been brought up not eating any meat or fish but dairy and now eating dairy & some fish I find the conversation of what we 'are' interesting! Being a no meat eating person in a rural community in NZ is an eduaction for those around me and I love the look of bafflement & shock when I tell people I don't eat meat or chicken.
Peter, I get miner's lettuce seeds from Kings seeds, their catalogue is online, and I grow buckwheat also from them though I'm not sure if buckwheat lettuce is something different.
Robbie if you're in the Northern hemisphere coming up to winter you might be able to plant brassicas, cabbages, broccoli, cauliflowers now, as long as they have time to establish before it gets really cold.
I think we often crave what our bodies need, and I eat greens most days, often mixtures of whatever is ready - at the moment it is silver beet (chard), kale, cabbage, the last of the broccoli, steamed with a little sesame or olive oil and chopped onion or garlic, sprinkled with toasted sesame seeds at the table.
I'm not sure what flexitarian means, but after more than 30 years of not eating meat I get a bit prickly when people assume that I'm vegetarian - which I'm not; I eat eggs and honey, a small amount of dairy (not via Fonterra products) and some fish. I will sometime stop eating fish, and will still not be a vegetarian. To my way of thinking there isn't really a difference between vegetarian and vegan - if one doesn't live entirely on vegetarian foods one isn't a vegetarian - though I know I'm possibly a minority of one here. This is a rant but I feel quite strongly about it as I keep pointing out that honey, eggs, chicken, fish, dairy, are not vegetarian foods :-)
You can grow buckwheat lettuce from the buckwheat that you can purchase from a wholefoods shop and the miners lettuce I got originally from a punet of Weathershield seedlings I brought from Huckleberry Farms Wholefoods here in Auckland but I believe you can mail order them from Happy gardening
Kia Ora Koutou,
My name is Peter Watson, and I live at the Quaker Settlement on outskirts of Whanganui.
I'm interested to find out more about Miners lettuce and Buckwheat lettuce. Does anyone have seeds?
For variety and better nutrition grow things like Dandelion, Miners Lettuce, carrots for their green tops, beetroot for their tops, Cavalo Nero, Lambs Quarters and Buckwheat Lettuce.
Green smoothies are pretty awesome, great way to start the day.
Hi Robbie,
I am rather baised on this subject as I have been raised as vege from birth.
Flexitarian is a copout as far as I am concerned! We can all live without eating animals so why do we eat them? If an individual can't rear & kill the animal then why should they have the right to eat it! enough of that!
Spinach is a staple to grow in the garden - high in iron which is what meat is high in and what we need to be concious of having a good intake of. Beans are a must to grow & brassicas too. Welcome to the best 'club' on earth - the vege club! Kate
And as for definitions of who we are.....well I always consider us as vegetarian as although we eat free range eggs, honey and some dairy we don't kill animals to obtain least not in a direct sense. When I tell people I am vegetarian I always get asked "do you eat fish?"....surely then I'd be a piscatarian? Although in an ideal world it would be lovely to go fully vegan, many of the alternatives to leather shoes and wool products are not particularly environmentally friendly. I haven't yet seen a pair of hemp shoes that would be suitable for smart business wear, only manufactured plastic based ones.
I even had a local dining room manager argue with me when I complained after I found bacon in my salad - he said I should have said I was vegetarian. My argument was that it should have indicated on the menu that it contained meat, their responsibility not mine. I said too many people don't eat meat these days for hotels and restaurants not to be taking notice. He just looked shocked, and I wondered if we were the only people in the Hokianga who have said publicly that we don't eat meat :-)
What I don't do is judge what other people do, or tell others what they should or should not eat. This is my choice, not my religion and I don't preach about it, even though I have been verbally attacked (maybe too strong a word) for my views and choices.
Forgot to mention garlic when I wrote last night Robbie, I think there is no such thing as too much garlic, I grow it round my fruit trees and roses, as well as in many patches in the vege garden. Ours didn't do well last year and we are buying all we are eating this year, but we have about 200 bulbs growing nicely. Not enough yet for all the fruit trees, but this garden is only two years old, and there will be more next year. It's difficult isn't it when circumstances like your hedge mean a whole year of growing is affected to some degree or another. All the best with getting in some veges of your own this winter.
Having been brought up not eating any meat or fish but dairy and now eating dairy & some fish I find the conversation of what we 'are' interesting! Being a no meat eating person in a rural community in NZ is an eduaction for those around me and I love the look of bafflement & shock when I tell people I don't eat meat or chicken.
Peter, I get miner's lettuce seeds from Kings seeds, their catalogue is online, and I grow buckwheat also from them though I'm not sure if buckwheat lettuce is something different.
Robbie if you're in the Northern hemisphere coming up to winter you might be able to plant brassicas, cabbages, broccoli, cauliflowers now, as long as they have time to establish before it gets really cold.
I think we often crave what our bodies need, and I eat greens most days, often mixtures of whatever is ready - at the moment it is silver beet (chard), kale, cabbage, the last of the broccoli, steamed with a little sesame or olive oil and chopped onion or garlic, sprinkled with toasted sesame seeds at the table.
I'm not sure what flexitarian means, but after more than 30 years of not eating meat I get a bit prickly when people assume that I'm vegetarian - which I'm not; I eat eggs and honey, a small amount of dairy (not via Fonterra products) and some fish. I will sometime stop eating fish, and will still not be a vegetarian. To my way of thinking there isn't really a difference between vegetarian and vegan - if one doesn't live entirely on vegetarian foods one isn't a vegetarian - though I know I'm possibly a minority of one here. This is a rant but I feel quite strongly about it as I keep pointing out that honey, eggs, chicken, fish, dairy, are not vegetarian foods :-)
You can grow buckwheat lettuce from the buckwheat that you can purchase from a wholefoods shop and the miners lettuce I got originally from a punet of Weathershield seedlings I brought from Huckleberry Farms Wholefoods here in Auckland but I believe you can mail order them from Happy gardening
Where do you source your miners lettuce and buckwheat lettuce, as I'd like to try them
My name is Peter Watson, and I live at the Quaker Settlement on outskirts of Whanganui.
I'm interested to find out more about Miners lettuce and Buckwheat lettuce. Does anyone have seeds?
Raw is great, everything is so much more assimilable. Here are a couple of great links
For variety and better nutrition grow things like Dandelion, Miners Lettuce, carrots for their green tops, beetroot for their tops, Cavalo Nero, Lambs Quarters and Buckwheat Lettuce.
Green smoothies are pretty awesome, great way to start the day.
I am rather baised on this subject as I have been raised as vege from birth.
Flexitarian is a copout as far as I am concerned! We can all live without eating animals so why do we eat them? If an individual can't rear & kill the animal then why should they have the right to eat it! enough of that!
Spinach is a staple to grow in the garden - high in iron which is what meat is high in and what we need to be concious of having a good intake of. Beans are a must to grow & brassicas too. Welcome to the best 'club' on earth - the vege club! Kate