Library fees research study
I am currently doing some research for my BA in Information and Library Studies and need help to ensure its success. I am researching the effect of fees on library use and want to get responses from as many NZ library members as possible before the 31/7/2010. The survey is online at []. If you are a library member, could you please complete the survey (it will only take a couple of minutes and you will go into the lucky draw for a $50 book voucher). And, whether or not you…
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Hi There, we're currently giving away 3 copies of this book to people who sign up to our receive our monthly newsletter. These will be given away by the end of March so sign up now for your chance to get your hands on some good quality reading.
Food Sovereignty, Food Security - Edited by Vandana Shiva
A bit about us here at the Koanga Institute. We hold NZ's largest collection or organic, heritage seeds. Unlike those big industrial seed companies - we grow out our seeds here in the Hawke's Bay so they are adapted to NZ soils and climate. We grow specifically for home gardeners so we select based on taste, nutritional value, a long cropping season and pest resistant using organic gardening methods. Many industrial seeds are only pest resistant if you use their chemical sprays etc. We also hold an amazing fruit tree collection, run an urban garden research project, potato trials and get involved in other research projects to share our learnings with NZ home gardeners. Please checkout our website and we'd love to get to know how we can help you on your own gardening journey's.
Koanga Institute Website
Been reading and thoroughly enjoying 'the History of New Zealand Gardening' by Bee Dawson. Has really interesting photos and is a chronicle of the evolution of gardening in this country from pre-european Maori to the early settlers and into the 20th century. The sections on the introduction of pests and weeds, whether inadvertent or deliberate were particularly interesting. Recommended.
Thanks for the vision to put this group together Earl and we look forward to contributing.
I have just started a horticulture course and one of the text books supplied is a duplicate of one I already have in my collection at home. Royal Horticultural Society Organic Gardening......
I have the soft cover 2006 reprint. It is new and unused...arrived today.
I am interersted in swapping for a good condition, up to date book about either NZ weeds, or some sort of introductory book about beekeeping.