This may seem like a silly question but I've got most of my veggies growing in tubs and of late, the ants seem to have made themselves at home within the soil. Should I be concerned? I find them clambering all over my zucchini and capsicum plants, and they particularly like to hang out on the eggplant leaves... :-|
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Cheers Urchin!! I think I'll go ahead with a combination of ground cinammon (it'll be like christmas everyday, yay!) and vaseline, while "meditating/communicating" with them as the website suggests. Awesome website by the way! Thanks plenty :o)
Heres a good site for the 'Anti-Ant' Lobby .... .... they ommitted the obvious '10 year old boys with magnifying glass's tho hehe
Couple things to try ..... Sprinkle Ground Cinnamon on soil round lettuces or spreading veges with low hanging leaves..... ants hate it ... otherwise a vaseline 'collar' (1 inch) around the trunk of eggplants , chili and other upright growing veges ..... my remedy is simply washing the critters off after harvest .... they dont eat much...altho we dont have a major ant nuisance..
sounds like the soil is too dry, why don't you give them a good soak
hmmm...not sure if that's the case as have been watering them regularly and even running the risk of overwatering what with the silly wet weather lately!
hmmm...not sure if that's the case as have been watering them regularly and even running the risk of overwatering what with the silly wet weather lately!