Posted by marjolijn vos on November 7, 2009 at 12:37am
I couldn't resist digging up a plant... but there was no bulb. Just looks
like a spring onion base. This is my 2nd go at trying to go garlic and this
is what happened the first time round. No bulbs had formed from the cloves
I had planted. They've definitely been in the ground for 6 months, they've been
lovingly weeded/watered/fertilised with worm tea. Could they still bulb up?
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Hello fellow garlic growers, have just started feeding my garlic with watered down chicken manure every couple of weeks. Is this frequency ok and when do I stop feeding? Many thanks
would love to put a photo of my garlic on, but can only get dialup at this stage and takes a very looonng time to load photos, as soon as we get on farmside will do so then!
Have grown elephant garlic, alot milder than normal garlic, but is delicious roasted. One bulb of elephant garlic only seems to produce 3,4, or 5 large cloves, so it takes a while to produce enough to keep growing it on each year - I always want to eat it!!
Hi there, reading up on Hester's favourite garlic site and wondering whether any ooooby garlic growers have tried their tip of soaking the cloves in bicarb solution before planting? if so, does it make any appreciable difference?
This year will be my first attempt at a "proper" crop of garlic; dug the beds in January, layered with horse manure and pea straw and covered over with weed mat. Removed the weed mat at the weekend and lots of lovely worms under the pea straw.
thank you thank you thank you - Im a huge garlic fan, didnt know such a site existed!!
I grow about 250 bulbs each year, never seem to have much trouble with them, and they grow big beautiful bulbs every year, must be a really good strain Ive got. I dont soak mine in anything, just use the biggest cloves from the outside of the bulb to replant. I dont believe in the plant on the shortest day harvest on the longest day thing - it seems to depend on the season, if the winter starts off quite cold then get them in! I dont mulch garlic with anything, but last year alot of chickweed grew around it so it self-mulched I guess.
Angie Gibbons > Ruth OSullivanApril 18, 2010 at 11:40pm
When to plnat garlic and any idea where to get bulk seed bulbs (auckland region or online orders)?
Sean Kemball > Angie GibbonsApril 19, 2010 at 6:54am
I'm in Auckland. My neighbour keeps telling me the shortest day is the best option but last year I planed mine quite a bit earlier - probably about this time of year, to be honest - and I had good results. I pulled a test bulb towards the end of Dec and it was OK, so I pulled the rest in January/early February and they are all hung up to dry. So that's what I'm doing this year... The comment about nitrogen is quite true, mine grew well in fairly rubbish soil.
Where to get bulbs? I just went to one of the organic veggie shops, found some guaranteed local guaranteed organic garlic, bought a few and shoved them in the ground. (My usual approach to growing things!)
BTW does anyone have any experience with elephant garlic? I was given a couple of bulbs and thought I might shove them in the ground and see what happens! :)
hello Angie, as Ruth says, garlic is traditionally planted on the shortest day (mid June) but down here, I've been told to plant in May before the ground freezes! You can buy online from Koanga and trade me, or if you go to your local farmers' market, there's bound to be someone selling locally grown spray free/organic bulbs. If you have lots of space and patience, maybe you can get hold of some bulbils from a fellow gardener here on ooooby - put a request in Hester's seed exchange group. Ruth, do post some photos of your garlic to inspire us (or make us jealous :))
cant advise on when to plant in Auckland region as I live at the top of the South, but usually mid winter is normal. If you can buy some New Zealand garlic that hasnt been sprayed to stop it sprouting, you should be able to grow it. Try a seed or stockfood store?
Have grown elephant garlic, alot milder than normal garlic, but is delicious roasted. One bulb of elephant garlic only seems to produce 3,4, or 5 large cloves, so it takes a while to produce enough to keep growing it on each year - I always want to eat it!!
garden 010.jpg
This year will be my first attempt at a "proper" crop of garlic; dug the beds in January, layered with horse manure and pea straw and covered over with weed mat. Removed the weed mat at the weekend and lots of lovely worms under the pea straw.
I grow about 250 bulbs each year, never seem to have much trouble with them, and they grow big beautiful bulbs every year, must be a really good strain Ive got. I dont soak mine in anything, just use the biggest cloves from the outside of the bulb to replant. I dont believe in the plant on the shortest day harvest on the longest day thing - it seems to depend on the season, if the winter starts off quite cold then get them in! I dont mulch garlic with anything, but last year alot of chickweed grew around it so it self-mulched I guess.
Where to get bulbs? I just went to one of the organic veggie shops, found some guaranteed local guaranteed organic garlic, bought a few and shoved them in the ground. (My usual approach to growing things!)
BTW does anyone have any experience with elephant garlic? I was given a couple of bulbs and thought I might shove them in the ground and see what happens! :)