Hi All
I just recently bought some smallish citrus trees to try growing in some very large pots I inherited recently. I have Meyer Lemon, Tahitian lime and a mandarin variety, and I'd love to hear from anyone who's had experience in growing similar trees in pots. Any advice is welcome!
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Well in my case its the snow I had to watch out for. One day it started nigh on blizzard and I was racing out dragging a heavy potted Meyer Lemon into the greenhouse! The snow took me by surprise! Drying out is the big one, but you can put a tray under the pot and capillary action should let any rainwater move up into the roots. Having a big enough pot so it doesn't get rootbound helps too, but that can make it impossible to move when you need to. Also make sure you have citris food around and give it a good dose once or twice a year. I found blood and bone was good when the leaves started to yellow off. Mandarins work really well in pots, although I found the fruit was a bit small. Apparently there are more dwarf patio varieties around now that work really well in pots, ask at the local growers.
I have had a similar experience to Alan, and I would use a commercial potting mix with a saturating agent too, so it doesn't dry out too fast. Liquid feed them regularly too - they love comfrey!