Hi, I am a Kiwi living in Spain and have never ever grown a thing in my life. My girlfriend and I live in an attic apartment with a large terrace on both sides and I want to create a veg garden. But I have not got a clue how to start. Is there a book for absolute beginners for growing vegs in this part of the world that I could refer to?
Any help appreciated
Hasta Pronto!
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Cheers for this. I have just planted a few herbs actually and will see how they go but keen to get some lettuce growing this weekend
John Howard said:
hola ,how are you .you have all ready started just by thinking about it. start small , maby a few herbs in teracota pots or a tomato plant stuffed in a hole in a grow bag. but remember to go for stuff you like and dont get too dispondant the first time you forget to water and every thing shrivels up and dies on you.
i just lost an entire crop of babby lettices over waitangi weekend.
hola ,how are you .you have all ready started just by thinking about it.
start small , maby a few herbs in teracota pots or a tomato plant stuffed in a hole in a grow bag.
but remember to go for stuff you like and dont get too dispondant the first time you forget to water and every thing shrivels up and dies on you.
i just lost an entire crop of babby lettices over waitangi weekend.
Go ask some of the old timers. There's bound to be some great knowledge out there. You only need a few seeds and a bit of compost to get started. And you dont have to know all the answers before you begin.
And when you make the first move, put up a picture on this discussion and we'll cheer you on.
mark s said:
John Howard said:
start small , maby a few herbs in teracota pots or a tomato plant stuffed in a hole in a grow bag.
but remember to go for stuff you like and dont get too dispondant the first time you forget to water and every thing shrivels up and dies on you.
i just lost an entire crop of babby lettices over waitangi weekend.
And when you make the first move, put up a picture on this discussion and we'll cheer you on.