On an internet search it suggests they could be raised off the ground to stop them getting in. Just wondering what they are and is it ok to leave them in the soil or should I try to eliminate them?
They are black/grey thin and less than 1/2 cm in length about 4-5 sit inside a hole in the strawberry eating away.
you need to make sure you have plenty of mulch so the strawberries are not resting directly on the ground. I find that pine needles work a treat, I had no more problems once I did that. Now I can't keep up with eating all the berries!
Do they look like this: http://www.landcareresearch.co.nz/research/biosystematics/invertebr... ?
No and went back for a closer look and now think they are a little caterpillar as they move like a caterpillar not a worm, I guess with the bird netting up the birds can't get in to eat them though I'm sure the birds would eat the strawberries first!