Making your own potting mix?

Does anyone here make their own potting mix? I'm buying it at the moment for growing seedlings in before transplanting to the garden, but it'd be so much better if I could make it from materials I can produce on my property.

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  • I make my own,as per a recipe given by a guest speaker at a Taihape hort society meeting some years ago. I find it far superior to bought mixes.
    It is simply made of 1/3 compost (some manure or worm casting can be added here), a 1/3medium river sand and a 1/3 made up palm peat (which can be bought in blocks the size of a brick at the supermarket and you make it up by adding water).
  • Yes, I follow Linda Woodrow's " recipes"
    Seed raising 50% dried crumbled cow manure and 50% medium river sand ( can be reused)
    potting on 33% river sand, 33% compost and 33% worm castings.

    good luck
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