Peach trees

My peach tree is dropping all of its leaves and a lot of fruit. Is this normal? How do I stop it? It didnt have much fruit to start with and at this rate ill get one peach if im lucky. (first season living at this house so no idea what last years production was like)

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  • Hi Mel
    I'm no expert but have a couple of peach trees myself. I have noticed that if the trees become very stressed, with the likes of a disease then they will drop their fruit. I think they do this because they don't have the energy to grow them. I would recommend watering it and checking for any signs of disease on the leaves... also, for next year you should give it some fertilizer.
  • Just a question Mel but has any of the leaves got any blistering or curling and redness on them? If so then you are suffering just like me from a case of Leaf Curl which is a bit late to combat now. You can help remove the infected leaves and hope the tree recovers or just remember in Autumn as the leaves drop to spray with Copper based fungicide and again as the flower buds just start to open in spring and apparently 2 weeks after that. I forgot the second spraying so my tree has completely defoliated, I seriously hope its still alive!
  • I was thinking leaf drop could be a sign of over/under watering. I hope you do get to eat peaches from your tree this summer.
    My nectarine tree naturally thinned itself, I didn't thin any of the fruit this year. I did thin the apple trees, they're still dropping fruit tho', please stop! All the best with your watering. I've been mulching over the last few days after buying a lovely big bale of peastraw from Kumeu. We've been blessed with big rainfalls at nighttime in Auckland.

    Mel said:
    Oh *Blush* Ive never watered it or Mulched it. Altho we have had lots and lots of rain I havent even watered my vegie patches much.
  • Oh *Blush* Ive never watered it or Mulched it. Altho we have had lots and lots of rain I havent even watered my vegie patches much.
  • has it had sufficient watering? do you have mulch by roots?
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