Raised beds over cobbles...???

My husband has built me two raised beds out of macrocarpa sleeper:) They are situated over a cobbled area. The cobbles immediately under the raised beds have been lifted. Underneath of course is sand. Do you think I should remove as much sand as possible before filling the bed, which leads me to my next question of what to fill it with...? Also the sleepers sit on top of the remaining cobbles. I thought we should remove more cobbles so the sleepers sit on the ground and even the cobbles between the sleepers and put gravel between them, better for drainage...? Your thoughts....

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  • I live at the beach too and my raised gardens are fantastic! Sand underneath, then weedmat, hay, sprinkle of blood and bone, pea straw, compost. See my previous posting of me showing off my cauli. Tomorrow I'm going to harvest my brocolli. Sleepers on cobbles will be fine. Go for it!!
  • Hi Leigh,
    in my experience underneath sand is more sand !! But that is part of the point of having a raised bed. I live at the beach and all my gardens are raised a bit - with sand underneath. Sand drains really well, so my response is it won't matter what your sleepers are sitting on. Cobbles will be firmer.

    One persons thoughts!!
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