Do you know what this egg deformity is?

Hey everyone,
Every few days for about 3 weeks one of my chooks laid an egg like this. I can't find anything on websites that looks like it. She has since stopped laying these, but would love to know the cause so I can try to prevent it in the future.



egg deformity.jpg

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  • It's not a hole made by a claw or beak is it?
    I gave my girls plain yoghurt when they laid eggs without shells and that helped after a couple of days.
    • No, it looks sort of like grains of shell stuck together and they are always in the same spot. The chooks appear healthy in every other way...
  • l've had a couple like this in January and wondered why it had happened. l would also love to know what caused it. The chooks had plenty of crushed oyster shell available.
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