A recent post has prompted me to thinking I might be able to solve a weed problem at our place by putting the chooks on them! My bantam girls are currently in a run on an old vege plot, digging up weeds and making decent compost - more than earning their keep :) The nor-west corner of our section has a huge peach tree in it and the neighbours have large trees in that corner so it is very shady and currently overrun with convovulous, ivy and wandering jew. I was thinking I could build an enclosure around the weeds (and tree) and put the chooks in there.
Does anyone know whether these plants are poisonous to hens? And would they get rid of the weeds, help control them or just make the problem worse by spreading the plants/seeds around?
I trust them not to eat anything leafy that would be poisonous to them because they evolved as forest birds.