We have the most beautiful purebred Golden Wyandotte Roaster who is going to crow any day now and so he must find a new home (preferably not in a pot due to his handsomness :-)).
He is 16 weeks old, strong, handsome and seems to have a nice nature. He looks after the other girls (a selection of ages) very well from the neighbourhood cats and I will be sorry to see him go.
He hatched here and has been free ranging since.
I don't want money for him if he is going to a nice home.
We are in Glen Eden.
Thanks :-)
if you get really desparate i could take him, but really want a hen with him so we can start a golden wyandotte family. i also want a plymouth rock hen if anyone knows a good laying strain. i love heirloom chickens....
Hi Kate, I've got a Golden Wyandotte rooster looking for a home. You're welcome to come and have a look. Or perhaps I could drop him off to you?
Thank you Kate,
I'll let you know but I do have a few other ports of call first. The heirloom chooks are so beautiful - we also have two aracanas (may be boys but they are so shy its hard to tell) and a brown leg horn hen - she also has such lovely colours can't wait for her to lay. Our original chooks are a bit of a mix but still have great personalities.
Hi Janet
I can't help either, but did you think about advertising on freecycle.org?
I had not because i thought they did not allow it but reading the rules I think the west auckland one does. Thanks for the tip :-)
I tried that first but only got pot intrest! I will need to try again as it can't go on for long :-(
Hi Janet, wish I could help! Sadly, we have too many roosters ourselves. We used to live in Glen Eden.
You might be able to find a home for him advertising on TradeMe.