Posted by Anna Wells on December 9, 2009 at 6:27am
Hi there, I've got 2 hi-line ex-battery farm hens which I believe to be about 3 years old. They are now free ranging on our urban section. We haven't had any eggs from our ladies for about 3 months. They seem to have finished moulting. Is it usual for them to go on strike for this long?
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ours started laying again recently after getting over the dreaded mites they started laying under the rose bush we realised one day we were having a coffee group and one of our litle blsck chickens went into the bush to lay later on after she had left there were 8 eggs sitting on the nest the same happened under our front step i pulled up with a trailer load of dirt and tried to back it down the hill and a black chicken shot out from under the step there were 6 eggs sitting there. if you find a nest leave one egg in the nest marked so you know which one it is then they will always return to the same spot.
Are you sure they are on strike? If they are free ranging they my have been not laying for a while, and then started again somewhere you don't know about.
I've had chooks go out of lay for about four months. But I don't know anything about usual behaviour.
I've had chooks go out of lay for about four months. But I don't know anything about usual behaviour.