Sexing Araucana Chicks

I have two 7 week old lavender Araucanas and I'm trying to tell which gender they are. They look very different. One has no tail at all and the other has a big tail, similar to the Gold Laced Wyandottes of the same age. They both have similar behavior and get fluffed up and fight. This is typical rooster behaviour but I'm really hoping one of them is a hen. Any ideas?

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  • I just asked the breeder and she said that the girls often get their tail feathers really late so now I'm assuming that the one with no tail is the pullet
  • Comb shape is really variable with Araucanas so you can't use that to determine the gender. I couldn't be really sure about mine until they were about 3 months old, and it was the tail shape that I went by.
  • Compared to each other - one has a big rear end and feathery tail, the other has virtually none of either, other than this really big difference they look very similar.

    Mel said:
    Do you mean such different shapes compared to each other or compared to the golds?
    The boys normally have bigger legs. The girls normally feather faster.
    Can you take pics of them?
  • Do you mean such different shapes compared to each other or compared to the golds?
    The boys normally have bigger legs. The girls normally feather faster.
    Can you take pics of them?
  • Their combs and wattles look similar at this stage, unlike the Gold Laced Wyandottes who seem pretty obviously roos or pullets judging by redder and bigger combs. Do you have any idea why the Araucanas have such different body shapes?
  • Hens will fight too :)
    Look for redder & bigger comb and wattles and when they are a bit older pointed saddle and hackle feathers = Roo.
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