Smallest hen being pecked by big bully hen.

So we got our chickens last night. There are four and they are all different breeds. The largest is the orpington and she seems to be the boss lady. She is pecking the bum of the smaller araucana to the point of making it bloody. I've read that I should be spraying her bum with gentian violet or something similar to cover the redness so the bossy lady won't keep pecking her. Does anyone know where I can get gentian violet in Wellington? Should I separate out bossy lady for a few days? I knew that they had to establish their pecking order, I was just hoping it wouldn't look so tragic.

: ( Kelly

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  • Hi there, you should be able to get gentian violet from any chemist. Put some garlic in their food to keep any infection away. i use a good tablespoon of dried garlic crushed and put in their mash, use warm water so it softens the garlic. if you feed them pellets, add the water and garlic to the pellets to make a mash. give it to them every week. They love it, gets rid of mites, worms etc and the sulpher in the garlic is great for their health. It might pay to seperate bossy boots so that she calms down after the shift. Hope this helps, good luck
    • Thank you for the advice Michelle. I have gone and put Stockholm Tar on her bum but bossy hen still won't leave her alone so once I figure out some sort of chicken jail I will try removing bossy hen for a time. If that doesn't work I will be looking to re-home her.
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