I've currently got the enclosure on a patch of grass that will probably become a no-dig garden eventually. They're just on the grass, but I was thinking of putting some straw down on the ground for them, thinking that this could then be used as part of a no-dig bed once it's full of chook poo etc. Sound like a good idea?
Also, we've finally cleared our enormous patch of giant noxious weeds (green cestrum) from the area that will be the permanent chook house & yard. The ground is now just bare dirt. What can I do to improve the area, before the chooks go there (we're still building the coop). I imagine it will only be a few weeks, but I'm thinking there might be something I can do so that they don't just go straight on to bare dirt. I read somewhere about growing a green crop of some kind?
Looking for advice and suggestions (again!!)
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To answer your question (as best I can as I'm learning too!) - the straw sounds like a great idea. The garden I have them on at the moment had hay mulch - bad move on my part as it sprung up lots of weeds but they seem to be enjoying scratching around in it and finding bugs that have gone looking for cover.
As for a green crop for the new area, my chooks love chickweed and it is a good 'establishing' green crop (you might have noticed it popping up in all sorts of places where there is bare soil). From my experience it tends more towards shady spots but I've had it grow in a few sunnier areas as well. I'm lucky that I haven't had to sow it anywhere, it just seems to pop up by itself, but if you have some on your property you could have a go at collecting the seed or shaking some plants over the area? Either that or you could throw some mustard greens on there ... you can get big bags of seed from garden centres as green manure. It grows quite fast so you'd at least have some decent sprouts there for them.