Silver Laced Wyandotte, Bantam and another young pullet (sorry don't know what she is) free to a good home. Free peck n lay too. North Shore Sunnynook.
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my 3 new hens are well and happy digging up the soil in their new forage paddock. i built another paddock and let the ducks into it today. they so happy making little holes in the soft earth with their beaks. i love watching my poultry doing their thing to the soil. has everyone noticed that suddenly more insects are out and the chooks and ducks arent so hungry when you feed them
my 3 new hens are well and happy digging up the soil in their new forage paddock. i built another paddock and let the ducks into it today. they so happy making little holes in the soft earth with their beaks. i love watching my poultry doing their thing to the soil. has everyone noticed that suddenly more insects are out and the chooks and ducks arent so hungry when you feed them
i would love to have them, ph 02102662730 or 4117870. we live on a large farm and i love chickens so will give them a lovely home