Wanted: Point of Lay chooks

We bought three 15wk chicks a couple of months ago and now two of them look like roosters. We want to get back into eggs as soon as poss so does anyone know of a source of a couple of POL hens? Auckland area. Daniel: can we have our hamburgs back!!  ;)

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  • Hi Brian about the hamburgs one of the hamburgs flew away not long after they came too us, you told us they had their wings clipped and we took you at face value they must have gone through a moult and grown back that left us with two, sadly we came back from a week in the coromandel and found one of the hamburgs dead in the nest box, there were no obvious signs of trauma to the bird, my wifes brother who lives in ranui and has shavers himself was looking after them every day and collecting the eggs the bird had not been there long poor thing!

    Good news is the incubator works we have three chicks in the brooder unit outside on the lawn they hatched on the 29th of november they are second generation shavers you are welcome to come have a look and see what you think dont know if they are roos yet, but i can make a chicken dinner out of any that are, happy to wait till we know what sex they are Daniel


    • That's terrible. That's sad news. 

      Face value!? We clipped their wings shortly before we gave them to you, Daniel, one wing per bird. 

  • We have been to see Raewyn at http://heritagefarmnz.com and came away with a bunch of assorted layers! Better photos tomorrow. You'll have to wait!


    • 2170542318?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Square Foot Gardening chickens!! I dump a spadeful of worm-rich compost into this frame and they go nuts over it.
  • I got some from Puhoi they were healthy happy chooks and good layers the contact was through this forum her name is Judy contact me if you interested for her number.
  • hi Brian, have you tried Bird Rescue in Avonleigh Rd. She often has chooks there and that is where l got my four young ones from.
    • Hi Jenny, I called them but none were available. Thanks for the thought.
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