If you're interested in starting an Ooooby Stall in your local area, join this group and we'll let you know what you can do to get the ball rolling.
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  • Please bring all the fruit, vegetables and flowers you want to sell or exchange to our Parnell market stall, and experience the fun of getting and spending our Ooooby currency: Rooooby's! It looks like the weather is going to be fine as well, and Kelvin usually creates a nice vibe with his music. See you there!
  • Hope I can this time.

    Can I go with some surplus?

  • Hi Michelle,


    Have you been to our Parnell market stall yet? If not, please come and have a look there and chat with Kelvin, who runs it. The market is currently every week on Sunday from 9 - 1.30. See you!

  • Hi,

    Would like to start a stall at my local market in Avondale. What do I need to do now.

  • I am trying, I am babysitting in Mangere Sunday morning and no car.

    I will try to use my mums car to go. Thanks.

  • Hi Ricardo.

    How about you come along to the stall at Parnell one Sunday to see how it operates and then we can look at opportunities from there.

  • Still waiting an answer.
  • I live in Mangere.

    I am interested.

    I have some network connections.

    I need instructions, I am teacher, biologist, and crazy scientist, but not bussinessman, so I need a little bit of help.

  • Hi there,

    I am in the process of starting a new farmers market in Greerton, Tauranga and would like to do an ooooby inspired stall. Please contact me as soon as possible via email beckjane@xtra.co.nz.


  • Cool.  We'll be in touch as soon as we are ready to get new stalls up and running.
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Ooooby Stall Standards

Ooooby Stall Standards 1. Be professional.  Be on time.  Be courteous.  Dress neatly.  Be prepared. 2. Present with panache.  Pay attention to detail.  A cuisine photographer could turn up any minute. 3. Be transparent.  Clearly state the price, local origin and growing method for all food displayed. 4. Keep accurate records.  Report sales figures and Roooby account balances to Ooooby HQ. Rooobys Growers earn Roobys (R) when their product sells from the Ooooby Stall. R1 = $1 spending power…

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