Hello Im new here

Hello Im Janine a 26 yr old solo mum from greymouth, I have a 2 yr old and a wee boy on the way. I have decided to take on the challenge of growing a vegie garden. I am an absolute begginner. I know nothing aobut growing plants. I have teamed up with a nice lady who is going to help me with my gardening challenge. As I am on the Dpb I cant afford alot and am looking for any spare seeds/plants that anyone maybe able to give me to get me started. Also any tips.

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  • Hi  Janine I am no expert but grow basics - Start simple, small and useful...wait till you have mastered them then progress ...how did you get on ...great time to plant beans, silverbeet, tomatoes, lettuces and soon peppers and carrots - good luck and hope your garden is already florishing , all the best , helen
  • My advice is to be resourceful about what is already all around you.

    Other people's rotten fruit/vege is a source of seed for you.

    Cut out the eyes of potatoes you have bought and plant them in compost in a cheap bucket.

    Take the seeds from one tomato bought at the supermarket and dry them on a serviette or clean loo paper.

    Then sprout the seeds in some earth in an old margerine tub placed on a windowsill.Seed raising mix is better but costs $10.00.

    The same for cucumber, zucchini, strawberry, etc. Often dried beans bought at the supermarket will actually sprout, as will peanuts, sesame unhulled, quinoa, amaranth, garlic,ginger.

    A book called 68 windowsill plants from scraps...check out http://www.touchwoodbooks.co.nz/dianes-specials/dianes-special-offe.... The book maybe in the government library. As will "The New Self Sufficient Gardener"  by John Seymour....a very good book.

    Baking soda  or  garlic are two very good pesticides....recipes on the Net.

    Your windowsill is your glasshouse.

  • Hello Janine, welcome to Ooooby and your new gardening adventure. If you would like to tell us a bit about what size garden you are going to have, I have a ton of lots of different seed I am happy to share with you.

    Beans (bush, yellow and green), Beans (climbers, Shiny Fardenlosa), Broad beans, Corn (Honey/Pearl), Cucumber, Leeks, Lettuce (several different kinds), Mesclun mix, Peas (bush), Peppers (sweet bell, all colours), Pumpkin (Amish Pie and Red Warren), Radish (great for littlies to garden with), Silverbeet, Tomatoes (lots of varieties), Zucchini (gold and green).

    Let me know what you would like, and I will get a parcel of seeds to you pronto.


    Happy gardening...Lynn

    • Im getting 12 tyres, a kitchen tub, I have 5 shrub tubs and maybe getting up to 3 kit set gardens 120 by 120 adventually. I am starting with one and going to increase. I have a huge back yard and front yard none of which is being used. I also have 2 gardens around the front of my house one currently over grown with onion flowers, the other has lavender, some daisy thingy appearently a strawberry plant that garden is  over grown also. I saw a challenge in ashburton called hand you a hundy and it inspired me to give it a go. The give low income families $100 to start a garden you grow more than you need you then sell what you dont need or save $100 from not having to buy vegies and at the end of one year you donate that $100 to another family to get them started. They also set you up with a mentor to help you. I contacted them but they werent interested in helping my family. This lovely lady Kristine from easyastimber.co.nz had asked Jade from hand you a hundy to contact her on her fb page thats when I found her and contacted her. She agreed to mentor me and has been to visit me twice. Shes here in greymouth. 


      Could I please have some

      Beans, Leeks, Lettuce, Mesclun mix, Radish, Silverbeet, Tomatoes and some peas Kristine told me cucumber wont grow well here unless its in a green house. 

      Thank you so much.

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