Black Currants

Balck Currant Syrup (like ribena) I have been making this for quite a few years now and my family really appreciates it as a warming drink in winter. 2 x 2 litre (ice cream) containers black currants Same amount sugar ( approx 2kg per container) 1 cup white vinegar Place currants in very large pot and cover with water, bring to boil, strain / sieve add sugar to juice bring to boil when sugar dissolved take off heat and add vinegar. I bottle it in sterilised screw top wine bottles and it makes 7 and a bit bottles. I freeze the left over pulp in ice cubes and add them back to the syrup when I make a glass for myself. Blackbarb Jam The black currant and rhubarb mix in this jam somehow mellow each other out, still a nice tart flavoursome jam. 700gms black currants 700gms rhubarb 900 ml water 2 kg sugar cook rhubarb to a pulp with 300 ml water, add currants and 600 ml water, boil for 20 mins. Add sugar, stir till dissolved, boil rapidly for 15 to 30 mins.

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  • This was my mothers blackcurrent syrup recipe if anyone is interested -

    Soak 6 lb bruised blackcurrents in 9 pints cold water with 2 1/2 oz tartaric acid (for up to 3 days)
    Strain, add 1 1/2 lbs sugar for every pint of juice.
    Boil for 3 minutes, bottle when cool, keep in fridge or freezer.

    Very nice with added hot or cold water, or soda water.
    • thanks for this recipe Ruth, I will try it next season
  • I added my mighty harvest of 14 blackcurrants to some bought blackcurrants, and elderberries from over the fence. It's made a tasty jam. Since every single blackcurrant cutting I was given grew into a bush I suspect we'll be swimming in them in a couple of years ;)
  • Wow, these look great! Thanks heaps.
  • ditto, my currant bush had enough currants for a contribution to a few jars of mixed backyard berry jam- once! these days it doesn't fruit at all so need some tips about growing them before recipes lol.
  • Thank you for sharing, they sound wonderful. No I just need to find some black currants. lol
  • yummmmmm
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