8 lemons
25g tartaric acid
1 kg sugar
1 litre boiling water
Peel just the zest (coloured oart ) of 4 lemons with a potato peeler and place in a saucepan with the juice of all lemons and remaining ingredients and bring to boil cool the strain and pour into sterilised bottles and keep refrigerated and add to water or soda water at about 1 part cordial to 3 parts water.
I have made this with grapefruit and limes also but adjusted the amount of juice as this differs between fruits.
About 25 elderflower 'heads'
Zest of three lemons (Keep lemons for juicing into the cordial on day two)
3 slices of ginger
1.5 litres of boiling water
Check elderflower heads for bugs, rinse, then pop into a large bowl. Put lemon zest and ginger in, and then add boiling water
Cover and leave for 24 hours
Strain into a large saucepan, and then add 1kg of sugar. Add juice of three lemons that were zested the day before
Bring to the boil, and cook for a couple of minutes past where the sugar has disolved.
Bottle and store for up to a year.
I am wondering what do we do with the remaining 4 lemons? Thanks