Hi all,
does anyone know of any cheap worms in Auckland (central)? I have seen some advertised for anywhere between $30-46 but as I am making my worm farm (so far it has set me back all of $25) I was trying to do it for as little as possible. Thought someone might have some spare that I could trade some summer produce for.
I live in Panmure.
A bit late to this discussion, but if you know someone with a compost pile, then you know someone with worms. They are easy to spot, they're called Tiger worms for their stripes, and easy to catch !
A good spade full of compost from near the bottom of the pile will contain enough worms to get you started. They breed fairly quickly provided there is a good supply of food.
There is a great quick description of the life cycle etc here- http://www.earthlydelight.co.nz/info-fascinating.htm
Well worth a quick look.
Thanks Megan, I'll let you know how I go. I am sure there will be some around here, probably just down the road.
Hi Blair - make sure they are the "right" worms (and I'm not sure what they are off the top of my head!)