hi everyone,
I'd like to invite you to a wonderful symposium being held on the 14th November at 12.30-5pm, in Henderson.
the title is awakening the dreamer, changing the dream.
see more information on www.AwakeningTheDreamer.org.
entry by koha
venue: 8 Montel Ave Ave
RSVP: gayleen : gayleen.taylor@nzca.ac.nz
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yes I agree Glen, one of the key messages in this symposium is to be more aware of how we are living, and addressing the consumer driven way of life is one of these. Its so important to think before we spend, and live a more sustainable lifestyle, not only for ourselves but for the planet. I do hope we will be able to offer it again in the New Year and maybe inspire sufficient people to attend. The faciliators are all volunteers so we want to ensure their precious time is used wisely.
Glen Kirkby said:
I feel the same way as Jenny actually. The direction and philosphy of this initiative sound perfect, but there is only so much that one can do. I too am focused on my own independence so that I can lead by example. It's all very well to save the whales so to speak, but if at the same time we are living a standard consumer lifestyle which is poisoning the seas then we are realy just running to stand still.
I'd still be keen to meet other like minded people though ;)
I feel the same way as Jenny actually. The direction and philosphy of this initiative sound perfect, but there is only so much that one can do. I too am focused on my own independence so that I can lead by example. It's all very well to save the whales so to speak, but if at the same time we are living a standard consumer lifestyle which is poisoning the seas then we are realy just running to stand still.
I'd still be keen to meet other like minded people though ;)
sorry to all those who are interested in this symposium. as we have not got sufficient numbers it will be cancelled. we hope to offer the opportunity to attend again in the New Year. Do let me know if you will be keen to attend in 2010. Gayleen
Hi, not sure if l have already been to one of these. For me there is only so far l can spread myself and now for me it is about consolidation. l have just come back from New Plymouth and the Rhododendron & garden festival. Vege gardens were featured including one where they are living totally from their own resources, solar, wind and water power and growing and selling organically. Also composting toilet. l have come back with lots of ideas for my garden and if the entusiasm stays will be changing my garden significantly in the autumn. Will share the trip if people are interested on the 14th Nov at my place.
thanks for sharing your thoughts, Glen. i agree with you that daily we are faced with choices that impact not only on ourselves but also those around us, and the wider community. This is why I am a teacher. And also why I have got involved with ooooby, transition communities and neighbourhood support. I too am trying to be self sufficient and to encourage others to consider beginning the choice of developing skills of gardening etc.
i understand when you say are focusing on yourself at the moment, but for me I feel I can't stay in that place. I am still learning, but I believe I can be more effective as I learn alongside others. In unity there is greater strength. I know that none of us are perfect, and we will make mistakes on this path, but I guess that's what really living is all about.
I'd love to hear what others think about these ideas...
Glen Kirkby said:
Hi Gayleen. I've done a little reading on that site, and it seems to express alot of values that I see as of primary importance today. I think that we all contribute to this in our own way, and it reminds me of a quote I read today: "Compassion is enhanced wherever and whenever consciousness displaces repression and unconsciousness and reality replace unreality.” Theodore Isaac Rubin.
I am not sure what moves us forward on this journey so to speak, as one could argue that specific events or actions are instrumental for change, however upon closer inspection one can observe that all of the "minor" decissions that we make as individuals all add up and form the greater movement. Every time that someone makes a choice to care.. it effects the whole and we all benifit. This symposium looks like an excellent reminder of this for those of us who are already striving for greater global peace, and an introduction for those who haven't thought about it.
My own focus in this regard currently, is working on my own self reliance ( growing my own food ) because I believe that this needs to come before I can genuinely add any other support to the community at large. This also ties in with changing my lifestyle in conjunction to an awakening understanding on health ( because this dictates my needs ).
What are your thoughts on this, or initiatives on a daily basis ?
Hi Gayleen.
I've done a little reading on that site, and it seems to express alot of values that I see as of primary importance today. I think that we all contribute to this in our own way, and it reminds me of a quote I read today: "Compassion is enhanced wherever and whenever consciousness displaces repression and unconsciousness and reality replace unreality.” Theodore Isaac Rubin.
I am not sure what moves us forward on this journey so to speak, as one could argue that specific events or actions are instrumental for change, however upon closer inspection one can observe that all of the "minor" decissions that we make as individuals all add up and form the greater movement. Every time that someone makes a choice to care.. it effects the whole and we all benifit. This symposium looks like an excellent reminder of this for those of us who are already striving for greater global peace, and an introduction for those who haven't thought about it.
My own focus in this regard currently, is working on my own self reliance ( growing my own food ) because I believe that this needs to come before I can genuinely add any other support to the community at large. This also ties in with changing my lifestyle in conjunction to an awakening understanding on health ( because this dictates my needs ).
What are your thoughts on this, or initiatives on a daily basis ?
Glen Kirkby said:
I'd still be keen to meet other like minded people though ;)
i understand when you say are focusing on yourself at the moment, but for me I feel I can't stay in that place. I am still learning, but I believe I can be more effective as I learn alongside others. In unity there is greater strength. I know that none of us are perfect, and we will make mistakes on this path, but I guess that's what really living is all about.
I'd love to hear what others think about these ideas...
Glen Kirkby said:
I've done a little reading on that site, and it seems to express alot of values that I see as of primary importance today. I think that we all contribute to this in our own way, and it reminds me of a quote I read today: "Compassion is enhanced wherever and whenever consciousness displaces repression and unconsciousness and reality replace unreality.” Theodore Isaac Rubin.
I am not sure what moves us forward on this journey so to speak, as one could argue that specific events or actions are instrumental for change, however upon closer inspection one can observe that all of the "minor" decissions that we make as individuals all add up and form the greater movement. Every time that someone makes a choice to care.. it effects the whole and we all benifit. This symposium looks like an excellent reminder of this for those of us who are already striving for greater global peace, and an introduction for those who haven't thought about it.
My own focus in this regard currently, is working on my own self reliance ( growing my own food ) because I believe that this needs to come before I can genuinely add any other support to the community at large. This also ties in with changing my lifestyle in conjunction to an awakening understanding on health ( because this dictates my needs ).
What are your thoughts on this, or initiatives on a daily basis ?