This opportunity will appeal to someone who would like to start growing their own food while renting as I am offering up garden space to produce fruit and vege with the rental (and even a chookhouse if you are keen on staying long-term). Happy to
I a working on a project to gather as much information on the existing
community gardens and plans to implement more and gather as much information as
I can on the topic, what works well , what didn't, why not.
I am involved with a project in Newlands to develop community gardens in the area. I am currently working on a proposal to be submitted to WCC for two sites in Newlands.
I am looking for keen people who would like to be part of the community garden
Hi I have created this e petition below, to support community gardens in the Wellington region. If you support this please circulate this epetition to interested parties and sign it.
A network of foodgardeners is growing in and around Balaena Bay – eastern side of Roseneath. Extremely local, working from the idea that "those with the muscles (or simply a functional body) may not have the knowledge to make their garden work, and t