



Waiheke Island


February 10





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Food Growing Skill Level


Experience and Qualifications

Permaculture Design Certificate

I am interested in...

Swapping Food, Community Gardens, Learning, Preserving, Helping Others, WWOOFA Hosting, Seed Savers, Eating Local Food

Tell us about your garden and what you're growing

Kale, Chard, Lemongrass, Tamarillos, Persimmons, Bay and an almond tree that I had thought was a diseased peach tree for years!

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  • Ah yes I have heard there is another yoghurt culture, unfortunately we've not ever seen it. I tend to make yoghurt from starter as a cheese maker would do for a better tasting yoghurt (although lots of people prefer the Caspian Sea Yoghurt) with the regular yoghurt it's heated to 42.5 degrees, so not wonderful but certainly no where near pasterisation. Can do the water kefir and kombucha in a couple of weeks (unless Mum has one spare) I'll ask her. $10 for 2 cultures. please resend your postal address as I don't keep them.
  • Hi Debbie,

    Gosh we've had such a run on cultures lately we might have to wait a few weeks until I have a spare Kombucha baby. Good that your dairy kefir are going well. The villi that I sent you is the only culture that I have for making yoghurt at room temperature. Do you need a replacement to get you going again? I've never converted dairy kefir to water kefir. However I do have some water kefir, they've been a bit neglected over the winter so I'll need to check they're OK. So potentially in a few weeks I'll be sending you 3 cultures? Villi, Kombucha and water kefir? If OK I'll get you to pop $15 into my account to cover postage and some of the time packaging up etc. 12-3139-0029434-00
  • Thanks for the lovely farewell Debbie. We'll be back before we realise it. Look forward to catching up then.
  • Welcome Debbie! Great to see you here. Love the profile pic. Little O? Have fun oooobying!!
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