




Food Growing Skill Level


Experience and Qualifications

Permaculture Experience

I am interested in...

Swapping Food, Community Gardens, Learning, Preserving, Helping Others

Tell us about your garden and what you're growing


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  • And this site may be of oollar interest.....www.transaction.net
  • Check out this article on Nelson's open orchards.... http://www.stuff.co.nz/nelsonmail/4798333a19259.html
  • Another world shrinking moment! I had no idea Naresh and Sophy were in Kiwi summer! I shall pin you down on your return and see how you enjoyed the ooooby experience. Love to you all X
  • Hi Tamzin;
    We are sitting at the breakfast table with Peter one of the founders of oooby thing here on Waiheke island, and your name cme up.
    We think this is soo kool
    Hi from Sophy and lots of love
  • I know, how fab! I'd like to take all the credit but really I only nudged him. Let it grow, let it grow!
  • And did you see the record of the Opening of the first Ooooby Store?
  • Hey - look what Nick just started!
  • Nice to hear from you Tamzin - and yes, my garden is going well after a Christmas break where I got to spend 3 days in it, and on New Years day I was delivered 2 chickens for my new chicken run! Now conversations are being had around milking cows. It's all moving very fast, which delights me no end.
  • Once the book's out the way I shall go out and hunt down fellow local foodies - they aren't thick on the ground in these parts but I'm sure they're lurking somewhere. Have a happy ooooby new year!
  • Imagine that...a Totnes Group on Ooooby... now it's getting exciting.
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