
Does anyone know where I might get choko seeds or plants? I would like to grow a vine next summer.

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  • I'd be happy to provide you with a few so you can get the jungle look going! Send me a message (through this site's email facility is probably best) with your contact details and we can make plans on how to get them across town.

    You really want to fix that moth plant though before it spreads. Have it compete with a machete and a bonfire, I reckon....

    Lisa said:
    I would love a choko plant. I am in Papakura and considering the Jungle look. My berries are nicely taking over the yard. A choko to complete with the moth plant out the back would be great.
  • Chokos are a very underated vegetable. They are nice in stir fries, can be grated and eated raw with mayonnaise, added to stewed fruit to make it go further and the vines make a lovely shady canopy.


  • Hi Rex, you can get a smoothed skin choko which I think is preferable to the prickly one. When you do grow choko's try and get the smooth skin variety. They are nice cut into slices and fried in butter and garlic. Katherine
  • Hi Sean, thanks for that - gives a positive view of the choko!! Whereabouts in Auckland are you?

    Sean Kemball said:
    Rex Morris said:
    After reading the responses and some further research I have decided not to try choko's - well this summer anyway. I am not sure how I will contain that sort of rampant growth.

    'Tis not always so. I think I must be the only person to manage to almost kill off a choko - mine grew up a garden arch and was quite robust, but didn't take over the world. In fact it died right back and is only now staging a comeback. If you were in Auckland I could give you a choko to grow, if you wanted to give it a go - I have a handful that are sprouting, and there are few takers! Little known fact: the whole plant can be eaten. The shoots and tendrils are particularly nice.
  • Rex Morris said:
    After reading the responses and some further research I have decided not to try choko's - well this summer anyway. I am not sure how I will contain that sort of rampant growth.

    'Tis not always so. I think I must be the only person to manage to almost kill off a choko - mine grew up a garden arch and was quite robust, but didn't take over the world. In fact it died right back and is only now staging a comeback. If you were in Auckland I could give you a choko to grow, if you wanted to give it a go - I have a handful that are sprouting, and there are few takers! Little known fact: the whole plant can be eaten. The shoots and tendrils are particularly nice.
  • After reading the responses and some further research I have decided not to try choko's - well this summer anyway. I am not sure how I will contain that sort of rampant growth.
  • Hi Helen, that sounds like it is a moth plant not a choko - moth plant is an invasive weed, have a look on the ARC website, they have pics so you can check.

    I have a Choko growing on my back fence with lots of fruit. It seeds everywhere as when the fruit splits it has seed like dandelion flowers that go everywhere.
    If you want to collect a fruit from my
  • I have a Choko growing on my back fence with lots of fruit. It seeds everywhere as when the fruit splits it has seed like dandelion flowers that go everywhere.
    If you want to collect a fruit from my
  • I grew ours in a glass with water in it but not touching the fruit.

    Once the roots reached the water we planted it in a bit of otherwise waste ground.

    It then proceeded to take over the planet.
  • I can have a look at the chinese greengrocer's across the road if you like-that's where I got ours.
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