Posted by Daniel Frost on August 14, 2009 at 3:29pm
What is every one doing at the moment in preparation for growing this spring summer and beyond. I myself will be digging some compost thru and making a new garden for my potatoes and pumpkins to grow. So It will be a busy one for me this weekend :)
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Great idea planting in tyres, heavy duty garden rubbish bags work well too had a bumper crop last year. Yeh layers work best adding the layers as stems come up. Yum baby spuds for xmas.
Adhyatma said:
Same. Got my 4 spuds in the bottom of a tyre. Tried it last year but they werent so happy in only compost..too am gonna try again this time mixing mostly peastraw in and just a little compost. The idea I guess is to keep adding as they grow up. When do ya plant pumpkin seeds? I too need to make a new garden for summer exciting! I love going out every morning to see what's happened!
We're still harvesting leeks, broccoli, cabbages, caulis, spinach, carrots, lettuce and rocket from autumn/winter plantings. There are young sprouting broccoli and caulis in but I think I timed it wrong so we might have a gap between the old and new. New carrot, pea and mange tout seedlings coming up, also spring onions at various stages. I put in some more spinach so I can get rid of last years stuff - when the leeks are done I can bulk up that bed with more compost ready for the summer veggies (tomatoes, cucumbers, courgettes, egg plants etc). Broad beans are now covered in flowers and growing really fast. I'm hoping they'll be out in time for the runner beans to go in, although I guess they probably shouldn't really go in the same spot. There's just not enough space! The brussels sprouts are just about ready too, so that will leave a gap soon - yay! I've just put citrus fertilizer around the lemon, lime and grapefruit trees, also round the raspberries, loganberries, blackberries and currant bushes. I chucked some around the feijoas too - no idea if they need it but it can't hurt I guess.
I found this on the internet re tyres and potatoe growing: Growing Spuds :
Place a car tyre on the ground [ not concrete!] About 1/2 fill it with a mix of good garden soil and compost. Place 3 or 4 tubors on top, eyes up, and cover with more soil mix. When the first leaves come thru, keep covering with soil, adding more tyres as required until the plants are good and deep....about 3 tyres deep....then let them go
Is compost heavier than soil? I didn't think so. So, theoretically, if they grow in soil, they should grow in compost?
I tried growing a potato in a tyre last year, planted it a bit grew fine to begin with, then suddenly keeled over and died. Upon inspection I found giant slugs living in the dried weeds I'd thrown in there and they'd eaten through the stem! So wouldn't using straw make potato plants susceptible to the same problem?? I was thinking about digging some of the dirt out of my chook run and using that in the stacks, but going on what you've said maybe that will be too heavy and not work either :/
Mmm... okay, so I won't use 100% compost then. Can I mix it with potting mix to lighten it up? I'm doing tyres too.
Adhyatma said:
Same. Got my 4 spuds in the bottom of a tyre. Tried it last year but they werent so happy in only compost..too am gonna try again this time mixing mostly peastraw in and just a little compost. The idea I guess is to keep adding as they grow up. When do ya plant pumpkin seeds? I too need to make a new garden for summer exciting! I love going out every morning to see what's happened!
After trying all the natural remedies over the last 6 years, the only thing that works for me is the nocturnal slug hunt. Drown them.- Good luckRana
Sonya Ewens said:
Would love to borrow your chickens? any suggestions for what I can do to get rid of the snail/slug ranch I have in my gardens?
Sarah Walsh said:
At the moment I'm concentrating on eating the last of the leeks, then I'll be letting the chickens into the garden to clear up slugs, snails, weed seeds etc before spring planting. I've just ordered some heirloom seeds from as well...very exciting :) I'm planning on planting pea seeds in the next few days.
After trying all the natural remedies over the last 6 years, the only thing that works for me is the nocturnal slug hunt. Drown them.- Good luckRana
Sonya Ewens said:
Would love to borrow your chickens? any suggestions for what I can do to get rid of the snail/slug ranch I have in my gardens?
Sarah Walsh said:
At the moment I'm concentrating on eating the last of the leeks, then I'll be letting the chickens into the garden to clear up slugs, snails, weed seeds etc before spring planting. I've just ordered some heirloom seeds from as well...very exciting :) I'm planning on planting pea seeds in the next few days.
Well I planted pumpkin seedstoday. Will see how they go and will plant more in a couple of weeks if its to early :) I just made a new bed for my potatoes, so they can grow wild and not smother the rest of the garden :)
Same. Got my 4 spuds in the bottom of a tyre. Tried it last year but they werent so happy in only compost..too am gonna try again this time mixing mostly peastraw in and just a little compost. The idea I guess is to keep adding as they grow up.
When do ya plant pumpkin seeds?
I too need to make a new garden for summer exciting! I love going out every morning to see what's happened!
Adhyatma said:
Place a car tyre on the ground [ not concrete!] About 1/2 fill it with a mix of good garden soil and compost. Place 3 or 4 tubors on top, eyes up, and cover with more soil mix. When the first leaves come thru, keep covering with soil, adding more tyres as required until the plants are good and deep....about 3 tyres deep....then let them go
Is compost heavier than soil? I didn't think so. So, theoretically, if they grow in soil, they should grow in compost?
Adhyatma said:
Sonya Ewens said:
Sonya Ewens said:
When do ya plant pumpkin seeds?
I too need to make a new garden for summer exciting! I love going out every morning to see what's happened!