I have 2 hens (no rooster) that were laying an egg each a day.
Now one has got broody isn't laying and I am getting one egg a day.
Is it best to let the hen go through this broody cycle - 21 days is it?
Or if I always want 2 eggs is it possible to stop her being broody?
They are not free ranging but in a lragish enclosure.
Thanks for any advice!
Katejazz, chooks & sign 011.jpg
The best thing is to keep getting her off her nest and blocking entry back in.
Block off entry as soon as your other hen has laid her egg.
It on't take to long for her to stop being broody. One of my girls only took 3 days. She's back laying eggs.
You could always get her some fertile eggs and let her have some chicks.
I've been getting eggs off trade me and been having alot of success with that.
It's lovely having the babies.
Good luck.
In the end I just blocked her out of nesting area and she has now finally stopped lying on her nest today!
next time I am DEFINATELY going to put her in a cage.