Lawn seed and hens

I see I need to re-sow some patches of my little lawn, but now we have free-range hens what will they make of the lawn seed? Any ideas? Fence small areas of lawn off while the seeds germinate, grow, etc etc. Buy pink seed? Help required! chooks.jpg

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  • HI. With chicken wire I fenced off small patches of lawn this autumn and resowed it with grass. This spring the grass was long and lush. However, now I have removed the little fenced off areas, the free range chickens have eaten the grass and scratched holes back in the earth. It took them about a day to undo 6 months of grass growing. Perhaps your hens wont be as disagreeable as mine! (smile)
    • Thanks. Looks like I'll be putting down a low fence. Oh and I'll try blindfolding them ;)
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