I've been feeding them meat scraps as a protein supplement, which they love. But we hope they'll get over this period and start laying again soon. How long does the moult take? They do look a bit scruffy at the moment.
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"During each summer, hens and roosters lose their feathers, growing a thick new coat to provide warmth for the approaching winter. The timing of this moult is dependent on the weather and the age of the bird.
Young pullets that commenced laying late the previous year - say after June - will not come into moult until late autumn (about April). A young pullet that came into lay earl the previous year - say January - will lay for about 14 months and probably start moulting about February/March...
If the birds sense a cold winter is arriving early, they will commence moulting sooner. ...
The birds that moult early are the ones to cull, as they will not be your best egg layers ...
Most birds will lay some eggs through the moulting period, but you can anticipate having few eggs from each hen for about 8-10 weeks, longer for the fat lazy ones."
Of course our hens (apart from last years' chick) are fat lazy ones, 5+ years old, but they still lay and I am resisting my husband's plans for their demise. The young one has stopped laying - or she has a new, very well hidden, nest. I'm hoping she starts laying again in a month or so so we have a little bit of cross over time.