settling in

I've just got my 3 new girls and wondered how long to keep them in the coop until it would be safe to let them out and have them come back to roost of their own accord. I have a big backyard for them to explore but it is not completely fenced and of course they can fly. Just don't want to lose them. I'm like an overprotective new mum. Help?

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  • where did you get the organic food from? I want to feed my girls organic too.
  • Thanks to all who replied. I have been calling and rattling their food and feeding them in the run morning and night and they seem to be responding well to that. Yeah I like the idea of not clipping their wings to give them a fighting chance if a dog spots em. A week seems like a reasonable time to keep them locked up. I may have to find a way to keep them from the vege garden seedlings before they have free range though.
    Looking forward to fresh eggs for breakie. Have got them organic biogrow certified chook food which they love too.
  • I acquired another 2 shavers recently & kept them in the coup for about 1 week & then let them out inot our unfenced section, they are fine & don't seem to roam too far although made it to top of driveway on first day!
  • Hi, l have 7 bantams that free range when l am home and they can all fly well. l kept them in the coop for about a week and whenever l fed them l would call them so that they associated that with food and also where the food would be. l haven't cut their wings but l do put them back in their run before they want to roost as one of them prefers the neighbour's trees if l don't. l have had no problem with them wanting to fly away and l have had 3 of them for a year. l have also had bantams before and the only times they would really fly was if they got a bad fright. Also l think if by some misfortune a dog should get in they have more chance of getting away if they can fly properly.
  • cutting their wings is real easy and should help keep them in the yard just cut one wing with a pair of sicissors just before the next row of inner feathers making sure you dont cut into the quick of the feather which will make them bleed it is really easy to cut their wings dont be scared.
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