Where to put feeders?

Our first ever hens are arriving on Wednesday and I am wondering where to put their feeder? Do they need one in their house and in their outside run? or just one in their house. Or when they are used to their new digs can they have feeder just outside in the run and not in the house at all?

Thanks for the tips, Kelly

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  • We have their feeder inside the coop but outside their roost so they have food whenever they are closed in.

    No feeder outside, they find plenty to eat in the wide world.

    Like Kate we cover their feeder when we let them out because otherwise the sparrows get most of it. That way we can leave the door open and they can get at their water if they need it.

    Good luck with the chooks, you'll love them. I hope you like eggs.

    Photos here
    • Thank you for the responses. They sound smarter than I thought they would be about knowing where their food is. And we really like eggs here, about 2 dozen a week I hope the chickens can keep up.

      : ) Kelly
  • How exciting! We have had our hens for a year now, and enjoy the eggs daily! I started with the hens in their run with a self feeder, then progressed to letting them out each day to free range, but allowing them access to the pen to self feed. Then the birds decided to start self feeding too! So, now my girls stay in their pen till late morning with their self feeder and usually have laid their eggs too. Then I let them out and shut the door till late afternoon when I let them back inside their pen again. They make a dash for food again, and settle for the night. It works for me and the hens. Hopefully more ideas will come forward and I will also be reading with interest. (smiles) I love ooooby it is so helpful. xx
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