Useful websites for keeping bees

I'm interested in making a hive for next spring and browsed the info in this group last night.  For newbees like me I though it would be great to start a discussion to list information sources on how to get started. Below are the links I gathered from with the groups postings and a couple I Googled. I also tracked down the Taranaki Bee Keeping group last night and plan to go along to a meeting to meet local suppliers. I assume there would be a group in each district if anyone wants to look into them - I just googles 'honey bees Taranaki'. 

If anyone knows good supplier info etc can you post weblinks here?

New Internationalist bee articles

Rare einglish bumbles in NZ

Native bee info -

Top Bar Hives

Keeping bees in urban spaces article

Beekeepers Association info on setting up There is heaps more on this site...



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  • Hi Laine/everyone,  I went to visit a friend the other day (20min drive) as she owns her own beehive.  We walked through her orchard & I noticed that all of her fruit trees were completely laiden with fruit with some near dragging on the ground.  It was quite a sight to see.  She said it was down to having bees.  She choose not to spray her trees but rather let the bees do their thing.  I've come away thinking that......I HAVE TO HAVE BEES!  hehe so, I've decided that first,  I would grow a bee haven, thanks to Janet luke's write up in weekend gardener, it's giving me some ideas to start with.

    I am greatful for all these web sites that I too can goole at my leisure. Cheers. :O)

    • Here is my Bee Guru's site:


      Since having bees in my garden, I have had an increase in everything. More seed too. But last year, I noticed a huge increase in Bell Peppers. The plants were burdened with peppers to the point of flattening out and laying on the ground.

    • Hey Stillcookin, that is exactly the reason why I am making this one of my projects as I have a few on the go at the mo.  Luckily for me, we do have a bee club right here in Whangarei so I'll be looking into that.  Cheers also for the website - it all helps. :O)
  • Look out for the next issue of Good magazine we're just putting the final touches on a "How to build your own Top Bar Hive" feature for the mag
  • hows the plans going for your bee keeping, i started last year and we are having a 13 year old and I have 3 hives now,my gardens and the rest in the street are doing well.
  • Hi,

    Nick Hampshire has produced a free information guide on beekeeping with Warre hives - get a copy at
  • Hi Lane,
    All the best on your endeavour, do you know what kind of hive you want to use?

    Thanks for initiating this online library, try these out too:

    keeping bees naturally:

    building a top bar hive:

    bee mythology (my interest):

    BEEdazzling! (a fantastic read!)

    and on honey as medicine:
    • Thanks both! That should keep me busy for quite a while. I just now spoke to a Taranaki Beekeepers exec member and organised to go along next month to start learning. Will do some reading before then. My first thought is regarding the cost, as it sounds like you either need a bit of start up gear or need to pay someone to house and manage a hive on your section. The second options sounds like it may be a good start, unless I can organise a mentor/buddy through the group. Meeting some local enthusiasts should get me started anyway. I'm keep to build the hive myself if possible - that is if I have time between other projects...



      Bush Farms, Michael Bush, is the foremost expert on natural bee keeping as well as how to save your tired back from strain! I have read his entire site three times and I think I am ready to tackle this bee biz. I had better be. My two packages of bees arrive this Saturday.
      Also, check out Anarchy Aparies. Sam Comfort is a natural born bee guy.
  • Hi Laine
    I`m so glad you want to keep bees, I have a blog you may be interested to read,, another good NZ site is our local club doesn`t have a web page yet, i`m working on it, Auckland and Wellington hobbyist clubs have their own sites.
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