My cauli

I would just like to say that yesterday I harvested my first ever cauliflower. You cannot believe how excited and proud I am. Here's a photo of me with my cauli!!! I know that all new gardeners will know just how I feel.


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  • That is a beautiful cauli and will provide yummy meals. The trick with caulis is not leaving them too long before picking otherwise they go off and lose their appeal - you got this just right.
  • fantastic Lynne! What an inspiration. I am still waiting for mine to develop. I keep checking the heart but not much action there yet!
  • Thats a beaut! well done!!!
  • That's a beauty. You could put it in the Brag group. Seems to be a good year for cauliflowers.I wish I'd put in more.
  • Huge Congratulations - I have never succeeded in growing cauli of any respectable size!
  • Oh my goodness! The photo is a lot bigger than I imagined it would be. Oh, well ... too bad!!
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