Our three hamburgs were purchased last October as POL pullets, but it turned out one of them might have been a year older as she started moulting early March and 3 months later she's still off the lay! in that time she had terrible plumage and a pale comb, but eventually her new feathers grew and she looks good now. She still has a very pale pink comb and is off laying.
The other two haven't actually stopped laying all through this time, but the rate has gone down a lot especially this week. Their summer peak rate 5.5/week av per hen has been 'trending down' down to 2 a week each this week.
They free range here most of the day, but as the days are so short nowadays they've been hanging around the house/pen at about 2.30 each day. So in they go.
General feeding regime is 'laying pellets' in a feeder and a cup of wheat at the end of the day, mainly to help get them all in at once. I've also been feeding them protein (cooked meat scraps) which they all go crazy over.
Not the world's greatest layers, I'm switching breeds next season to North Holland Blues.
And Earl, is this their first season? I was informed POL pullets will lay throughout their first winter, but with some reduction in lay rate.
Your shavers are certainly good layers, and I wonder what other poultry breeds are doing at this time of year, and what age chooks they are.
Times have been a bit erratic the last week or so, but we're still getting 14 eggs a week from them
We feed about 100gm sprouted wheat and the same in laying mash plus free range in their yard most of the day and a few leaves of SIIIIILLLLLVVVEEEERRRRBBBEEEEETTTTT!!!!! every day.